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"I was not a hypocrite, with one real face and several false ones. I had several faces because I was young and didn't know who I was or wanted to be."
— Milan Kundera, The Joke



Questions about the state of the world and the future

Questions about society and ideologies




Poor Grade/School Problems

Social Skills

Traumatic Experiences

Attention Deficit

Parent/Child Relationship Issues

Peer Relationships

Self worth

Self Injury Behaviors

Alcohol/ Drug abuse

Problems with sexuality

Separation/Divorce of Parents




The journey from childhood to adulthood has its ups and downs as teens navigate the many changes in cognitive, emotional and social growth. Adolescents typically struggle with a lot of life tasks simultaneously, and their purpose is precisely to prepare the teen for adulthood. However, no life task should feel overwhelmingly agonizing, troubled and lonely, when there's help readily available. 


Teenagers are trying to figure out who they are and where they belong among their peers and in society by large. It is a time infused with insecurity, doubt and self-exploration. The pressures are no less than in the adult world, yet, teens can sometimes find themselves more alone and isolated than many adults as they work through their problems. They may often feel alone and misunderstood by everyone. Generational gaps are also greater than ever before as the world has developed so fast in many areas impacting especially young people and their present and their future.


With the social, academic and societal demands of today’s world, many teens struggle to feel successful or even adequate to themselves and to those around them. This can lead to parental concerns and increased conflicts at home when a teen falls behind or demonstrates changes in mood and behavior. Often teens will become depressed or anxious under the pressures they are experiencing. These issues may lead to many things including isolation, acting out or self-harming gestures. It is difficult for parents to know how to manage these problems in collaboration with the young person. Even though often the efforts to intervene may seem to worsen symptoms, it is endlessly more beneficial to address serious dilemmas than to "wait them out". By that time much harm might already be done in a young person's mind. So reach our for the help you and your teen so much deserve.



How Therapy for Adolescents Can Help


The goal of therapy is to help the teen learn to cope with feelings and solve problems more effectively. I will work in a nurturing and validating way to help the teen feel safe to explore their inner world and process the experiences they are having. Parents are either involved or not active in the process: this is determined by the helpfulness of family involvement which is evaluated in a multi-professional team at the start and re-evaluated as the treatment progresses. According to their needs, I will help the teen identify more effective social skills, coping skills for anxiety, ADD/ADHD, depression, stress management, self-worth and self-esteem and how to create realistic expectations for themselves Adolescent therapy can help to process emotional issues and struggles they are facing and develop new ways of navigating their life tasks. Most importantly, the young person gets to feel seen, heard and appreciated as they are while practicing to live life from their authentic center. 

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